We turn the knowledge we have accumulated over the past two decades of work into blogs with concrete advice and examples of using the OWIS system.


OWIS Q : The next generation

From discussions among industry experts to media headlines, AI has become a topic of great interest and excitement. We have been captivated by the possibilities AI offers and its ability to transform businesses...

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OWIS Q : AI-Powered OWIS

Meet OWIS Q, our AI-driven package designed to boost your workflow. In an age where AI is changing how we work, OWIS Q helps your business stay current. It pairs well with Orka's main OWIS system, bringing in smart AI techniques to simplify and speed up your work.

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OWIS ChatGPT Plugin

As developers of the OWIS system, we recognized the potential of leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance the user experience. This led us to the creation of our ChatGPT plugin, designed to provide real-time information about the OWIS system.

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Your Organization Has Grown from a Startup. What Now?

Starting a new organization is an exciting and dynamic journey. In the early stages, there is often a sense of camaraderie and flexibility, with everyone wearing multiple hats and covering for one another. However, as the organization grows and evolves, there comes a point where lenient processes and ad-hoc solutions are no longer sustainable.

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AI Will Take Your Job! Should you be worried?

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked concerns about the potential replacement of human workers across various industries. However, a closer look reveals that AI is not intended to replace individuals but rather to enhance their capabilities...

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Why Copying from Someone Else Rarely Works?

In the dynamic world of business, it's common for companies to seek inspiration and ideas from successful organizations. Seeing others thrive with a particular solution can be tempting, leading many businesses to copy those strategies without critically assessing their own needs.

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Back from Vacation and Dreading Your Inbox?

Returning to work after a vacation can be a daunting task, especially when you're faced with a seemingly endless pile of emails and tasks. The thought of sorting through everything can be overwhelming and stressful, making it difficult to jump back into work with a clear mind. You may find yourself struggling to prioritize tasks, wondering where to start, and feeling like you're already behind.

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How to Know When Your System Needs an Upgrade

Implementing a workflow management system can be a long and hard process. After you have gone through the process of implementing one, the last thing on your mind may be upgrading it. However, just because you have a system in place, it doesn't mean that it's perfect.

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